Review: Micaela’s Big Bad by Tijan


Fantasy Rom

Micaela’s Big Bad


Book Info

  • Released Date: Oct 18th

  • Publication: Self

  • Pages: 138

  • Format: eBook

It’s time to read something spooky!
— Abigail Books Addiction

f you are a true fan of Tijan, then you know that you will scream in glee when she releases another new book. And it’s definitely a spooky read for the Halloween season.

Micaela is having a bad day, and it’s not going to get any better how the night is going. She is more than determined to save her bestie. But things get complicated as she tries to conceal her identity while trying to save her bestie. Unfortunately the night is not on her side especially since the big bad is with her now. And he won’t be leaving her side any time soon.

It’s a short read that I want more than I should. But it has Tijan feels throughout the novella.


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