Review: Hades by Carly Spade


Fantasy Rom



Book Info

  • Released Date: Jul 13th

  • Publication: Self

  • Pages: 338

  • Format: eBook

I’m so delighted to read about Hades falling in love! Love reading about gods and goddess in romance stories.
— Abigail Books Addiction

Oh, I just enjoy reading any book that has Hades as a main character. And Hades by Carly Spade is the one to read.

Stephanie Costas has worked so hard in her career as a digital forensics examiner that she deserves a break. But saying something does not mean it will not happen. Unless you have a pesky best friend.

Stephanie Costas finally has a vacation, and on the first day she runs into Hades. She may not know that's him until later on. She is definitely intrigued about his characters that she is more than willing to get to know him.

He is definitely an interesting character to say the least. He is getting over a breakup and decides to take a short break from the underworld for a bit. And he definitely does not have time for Stephanie wondering questions. But you know as I do, nothing ever goes to plan when you go on vacation.

Everything will start to unravel between Stephanie and Hades. It’s definitely entertaining to see how romantic Hades is. It’s so adorable to read especially when they do that dance. I won’t say what dance but let’s just say that you're going to love it.


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