eARC: The Cookbook Club by Beth Harbison


Women Fic

The Cookbook Club


Book Info

  • Released Date: Oct 20th

  • Publication: William Morrow

  • Pages: 384

  • Format: eBook

Getting three different women pov in one book is such beautiful insight on how each woman affect one and other.
— Abigail Books Addiction

Getting together with a group of strangers may be strange for most people but these three women have come together as part of a Cookbook club and find themselves as closer than ever.

Margo has given so much to her marriage that she finds herself out of luck when her husband leaves her. But this gives Margo a break and branch out of her own. She always had so much going for her that she just needed to do it herself. Plus, it does not hurt when she gets reunited with an old friend.

Aja is such a sweetheart that I feel for her when she is so indecisive about her pregnancy. And it does not help that her boyfriend does not know at all. She is confused about so much in her life that she definitely needs time to process.

Trista is finally doing something way out of her element. It may be daring but it’s something she wants to do. She is finally getting her dream but it’s going to be a bit of a journey since nothing ever goes smooth.

These three women may have different challenges in their life but they come together when they are in need. It’s such a powerful friendship to have.


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