eARC: What You Wish For by Katherine Center



What You Wish For


Book Info

  • Released Date: Jul 14th

  • Publication: St. Martin Press

  • Pages: 320

  • Format: Ebook

Reading about someone else who love reading too, awesome!
— Abigail Books Addiction

Writing about librarians must be so interesting. Like it’s about a bookworm.

Samantha has definitely changed when she moved into a new town. But it’s a good thing, sometimes you need change in your life. And it’s something that Samantha needed. It may have changed her in a good way but it will also challenge her when she discovers she has a new boss, and they have some buried history together. Duncan may not want to talk about their history but the past never stays unbury.

I really try to like What You Wish For but it really dragged throughout the book. I wish they had placed the storyline much better. It would have improved the storyline much better.


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