ARC: Return to Magnolia Harbor by Hope Ramsay



Return to Magnolia Harbor


Book Info

  • Released Date: Jun 23rd

  • Publication: Forever

  • Pages: 336

  • Format: Paperback

It’s time to read summer romance stories
— Abigail Books Addiction

It’s always fun reading about summer romance stories. And it definitely doesn’t get old about reading ex’s going back together.

Going back to your ex is either a hit or miss. You will have to forgive in order to move past the issue and go to the future. But that’s going to be a big challenge for Jessica and Topher because Jessica is not willing to budge.

It’s hard to let go especially in Jessica's case. She has learned over the years that it’s best to trust in yourself than let anyone in especially Topher. But sometimes people do change especially in the Topher case. He is more than willing to gain Jessica back. And it’s going to be a tough journey for him because gaining trust again takes time and work.


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