ARC: Can’t Hurry Love by Melinda Curtis



Can’t Hurry Love


Book Info

  • Released Date: Mar 31st

  • Publication: Forever

  • Pages: 512

  • Format: Paperback

Ready for small-town romance?
— Abigail Books Addiction

Lately, I have been digging small-town romance stories. They are just a cozy read that it can keep you up all day or night. Can’t Hurry Love has all of the small-town feels without being overrated or stereotyped.

Lola has been through the ringer and it doesn’t help that she discover secrets about her former husband. It definitely sucks to find out that your loved one keep secrets such as having multiple affairs while being married to you. I can’t imagine how Lola felt especially when most people knew about it too such as Sheriff Drew. And it doesn’t help that Sheriff Drew won’t give in any details about her former husband affair.

Sheriff Drew definitely knows that it’s best not to get involved when Lola discovers about her former husband's affair. But you know what they say, never say never especially with the Widows Club eyeing both of them to be together. Yeah, he may be attracted to her but he is looking for someone with less personality especially with his daughter. Not everyone will be the same as your ex before. It’s something that Drew needs to remember. You get to learn from it and move on.

They may not be a pair at first but as you get to read more and more, then you realize they definitely have chemistry between each other. It makes their banter so much better especially with Lola teasing with Drew. He needs it.


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