Review: Her Aussie Holiday by Stefanie London



Her Aussie Holiday


Book Info

  • Released Date: Aug 25

  • Publication: Entangled

  • Pages: 249

  • Format: eBook

Making friends across the world is so amazing especially when you agree to switch places for the holiday.
— Abigail Books Addiction

Who the heck makes friends across the world? I know that I don’t but it amazes me that Cora did. And she is trading her places for the holiday. That’s a big one.

Cora has been in a funk that she is willing to move across the country for the summer. It’s definitely unexpected but it’s something she needs right now. And I definitely agree too especially when it brings her out of her elements. It will push her bound and make her realize who she is. It does help that she meets her friend's brother, Trent.

Trent is very well-known for his player ways. But lately things are shifting especially when he meets Cora. Seeing how she is pushing her bound makes him realize how much he wants a stable relationship. It will be a bit bumpy since Cora lives in a different country.

Love is always simple when two are willing to compromise.


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