eARC Review: The Siren of Sussex by Mimi Matthews


The Siren of Sussex

Book Info

  • Released Date: Jan 11th

  • Publication: Berkley

  • Pages: 336

  • Format: eBook

This may surprise as it surprise me
— Abigail Books Addiction

I know, I know. I usually don't like to read historical romance books. I tend to find historical romance books a bit too boring or too long pace for my romance reads. But The Siren of Sussex was totally different than what I expected.

The Siren of Sussex will bring Evelyn and Ahmad closer to their goals than they ever expected. Evelyn is determined to find a perfect match in the season to provide for her family. She may not realize how much of this pressure will change her life. Ahmad never expected to be closer to his dreams. He is more than willing to put in all of his efforts to make his dreams happen, even if he has to work with Evelyn more than Ahmad likes (he is secretly falling for her).

I truly enjoy the slow-burning romance between Evelyn and Ahmad. They may haven't gotten good first impressions of each other. But Evelyn and Ahmad both need each other for their personal goals. It may not be the same when they start falling in love with each other.


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