Review: Dirty Dozen by Liliana Hart


Dirty Dozen

Book Info

  • Released Date: Dec 7th

  • Publication: Self

  • Pages: 262

  • Format: eBook

Who else gets excited about J.J. stories?
— Abigail Books Addiction

Whenever Liliana Hart releases a new book in the J.J. Graves Mystery series, I drop everything in my hands. I just love her characters in the J.J. Graves Mystery series. They are too adorable yet entertaining to read.

J.J and her sheriff's husband, Jack., are facing a series of mysterious murders throughout their hometown. It's definitely thrilling to read because the murders are copycats of famous serial killers. It's up to J.J. and Jack to figure it out before one of them is hunted.

What made me disappointed in this book was the lack of romance. It's typically a mystery romance series. But this book lacks romance.


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