ARC Review: The Family You Make by Jill Shalvis

Women’s Fict

The Family You Make

Book Info

  • Released Date: Jan 11th

  • Publication: William Morrow

  • Pages: 384

  • Format: Paperback

Did I squeal when I received the ARC of this book?
— Abigail Books Addiction

You know that I dropped everything and started reading this book immediately. Jill Shalvis will always be my all-time favorite author to read from. I am never disappointed whenever she releases a new book. I am always the happiest whenever I read her books. And I know I will be excited when I read The Family You Make.

The Family You Make is the beginning of a new series, The Sunrise Cove, so we get to read about new characters and new settings. In this book, we get familiar with Levi and Jane. Unfortunately, they ended up in a terrible incident that made them bond in one way rather than another. But it's the perfect set-up for them to form something deeper.

I won't go into too much detail, but I will say that this book will heal you in one way rather than another. There are some complicated issues discussed in this book, so get ready for the tissues. It will be an emotional read.

Trigger Warning: death, past trauma, anxiety


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