eARC Review: Fake It Till You Bake It by Jamie Wesley
Fake It Till You Bake It
Book Info
Released Date: June 21st
Publication: St. Martin Griffin
Pages: 336
Format: eBook
“I always enjoy reading about fake dating romance books.”
I have never read from Jamie Wesley before, so I was excited to read her newest romance book, Fake It Till You Bake It. And this book has fake dating and forced proximity tropes!
I can read any fake dating romance book. They are one of my favorite romance tropes to read. And Fake It Till You Bake It excels in it’s fake dating trope when Jada and Donovan help each other personally and professionally.
Jada has been through the wringer when she declined to be with an American reality show favorite on reality tv. I truly commended her. When you don’t feel the spark or the love, then there's no point in continuing a relationship. I know not all people share the same feeling, but life is short. There is no point in second-guess. When you don’t feel it, then you don’t. Plain and simple. And she knows she has an attraction for Donovan whenever they have witty banter over the bakery or events.
Donovan never has time for himself when he plans out everything in detail. It’s kind of surprising yet kind of scary to read. With his rough childhood, I understand the need for control in his life. Yet he is thrown out of the loop when he enters a fake relationship with Jada. He knows he doesn’t have time for any relationship, but it does not stop him protecting Jada at all costs.
Yes, they will have a few bumps in the road. Any relationship does, nobody's perfect. But I will warn you that the chemistry between each other is more telling than their actions. You will understand once you read the book.