eARC Review: Maggie Moves On by Lucy Score


Maggie Moves On

Book Info

  • Released Date: June 21st

  • Publication: Forever

  • Pages: 416

  • Format: eBook

Adjust your expectations when you read this book
— Abigail Books Addiction

I should have known that I needed to adjust my expectations for this book. I truly thought that this book was going to be similar to her previous books. But yet, I was disappointed with this one.

Maggie Moves On was the typical rom-com book with its opposite attracts trope in a small town setting. It seems like the perfect romance book to fall in with it. Yet, it’s a bit different from Lucy Score’s previous book. Something was missing in this book. Don’t know what, but something is missing.

If you are into small town romance with opposite attracts tropes, then this book is for you. You get to enjoy their romance with the dual POVs. And you will also get to enjoy reading about the side characters. You will want their stories as well.


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