eARC Review: A Very Merry Bromance by Lyssa Kay Adams
A Very Merry Bromance
Book Info
Released Date: Nov 1st
Publication: Berkley
Pages: 336
Format: eBook
“Just look at this cutest bookish cover”
If you are looking for a cute rom-com book to read, then Lyssa Kay Adams is your person. She writes the cutest rom-coms that brighten up your day. And A Very Merry Bromance is another star in the series.
A Very Merry Bromance is a second chance romance trope with a dash of reverse grumpy sunshine. And I feel a bit conflicted about how I feel. I absolutely love Colton. He is such a sunshine main character. He is willing to do anything for his friends and family. And he can’t help himself with Gretchen. She may be the opposite of him, but he can’t help but feel for her.
Sorry, but not sorry. I don’t like Gretchen. I really tried to like her character when I was reading this book, but I just couldn’t like her character. I feel like she is so weak about her communications and feelings. If she would have communicated about her past and struggles, multiple things could have been avoided toward the end.