ARC Review: Kiss Her Once For Me by Alison Cochrun 


Kiss Her Once for Me

Book Info

  • Released Date: Nov 1st

  • Publication: Atria

  • Pages: 368

  • Format: Paperback

love her character even though she faced a messy situation
— Abigail Books Addiction

I freaking love her first book so I had high expectations for her upcoming release, Kiss Her Once For Me. And I kinda have mixed feelings about it. Like I enjoyed reading the book but I did not fall in love with it like I did with her first book last year. Let me explain.

Kiss Her Once For Me has two timelines that follow the main character, Ellie. She has been going through a rough patch in the present day that she jumps to take risky opportunities which will benefit her in the long run. But things are not going her way when she has to meet her fake fiance family aka her ex aka fake fiance sister. Yup, I said it and it’s correctly said. She literally reunited with her ex whom she met last year and fell in love. That story is in the past timeline which we will also get to read about it. 

The whole situation that Ellie gets too sounds so ridiculous and messy. But yet, along the way she will find herself again. It may not be how she imagined it. Yet, it’s her in the doing. And sometimes I love her character even though she faced a messy situation. I will say that I don’t like the excuse the ex gave. I wished Ellie found someone new to be with, not her ex. Not a fan of the ex or the family.


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