ARC: You Had Me At Hola by Alexis Daria
You Had Me At Hola
Book Info
Released Date: Aug 4
Publication: Avon
Pages: 384
Format: Paperback
“OMG! I am more than ready to read about an Latina romance story!”
Do you know how excited I am about You Had Me At Hola by Alexia Daria? Like we finally have an Latina romance story! And it’s fucking good without any basic stereotype. Alexia Daria has brought her A-game in writing You Had Me At Hola. And everyone is going to love it too! Like you cannot resist, trust me.
You Had Me At Hola will bring Jasmine back to her home after a messy breakup. Everyone has been there but it is extra tough for her especially she is very popular in the limelight. Kinda feels for her because she cannot expose so much since the media will turn everything around but it does give her the opportunity to focus more on her career. And she does not need any distraction at all especially from her good-looking co-stars, Ashton.
Ashton. Ashton. Ashton. He is definitely different than I expect. I don’t know what it is but he is definitely different from the typical Hispanics. He is more recluse than most and does not bother to really interact with anymore except for his family. I won’t go into so much detail but there are a few secrets in his family that you will discover as you read the book. And you will understand as I do that what he has been through, it’s understandable for him to be recluse. But that does not stop him from getting attached to Jasmine. He can’t resist her.
I really like them together. They balance each other out. And they support each other. It may not be perfect in the beginning but nothing is ever perfect. That’s something that Jasmine will need to understand. I love her but sometimes I want to shake her cause girl, people are entitled to have secrets to themselves, it takes time to share them. But besides that, I love them. I wish I had more of them. I’m so greedy.