ARC: Dragonfly by Leila Meacham




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Book Info

  • Released Date: Jul 9th

  • Publication: Grand Central

  • Pages: 688

  • Format: Paperback

I’m all for any spy thriller book.
— Abigail Books Addiction

Are you ready for a new spy thriller book? If so, then pick up Dragonfly cause it’s going to fucking keep you interested from the start.

Dragon has group of Americans going uncover during the World War 2. Each of them do not know each other but they do share a code name, Dragonfly. And it’s going to get more interesting as they navigate their mission in Europe.

I won’t get into more details. And I hate to disappoint everyone but it is best to read Dragonfly without any spoilers. I don’t want to spoiler any of the surprises because trust me things will get murky when you are spying during the war.


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