ARC: Ask Me Anything by P.Z. Reizin



Ask Me Anything


Book Info

  • Released Date: Jun 2nd

  • Publication: Grand Central

  • Pages: 368

  • Format: Paperback

I’m telling you technology is coming for us
— Abigail Books Addiction

I am never a fan of high advanced technology. They will interfere with our life way too much. And that’s something for Daisy to worry when she gets the time. Daisy has a lot going on in her life that she is forever grateful for her smart refrig. It lets her know what is going on without making too much of an effort.

I truly try my best to enjoy this read. But I really could not get into it. It’s a passing read at the most. It won’t take too much of your time but it will pass the time away if you need it.


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