Review: The Bromance Book Club by Lyssa Kay Adam

Romance Comedy

The Bromance Book Club

Book Info

  • Released Date: Nov. 5, 2019

  • Publication: Berkley

  • Pages: 352

  • Format: Paperback

they should not be a shame about reading romance books
— Abigail Books Addiction

I finally had the time to read The Bromance Book Club. And I can say why did I take so long. It is definitely must-have read. I enjoyed it so much that I definitely going to re-read it after I am done with this review. But anyway, let's dig in with Gavin and Thea in The Bromance Book Club. 

Gavin, oh Gavin. You are such a sweetheart but you are definitely a guy too. Every guy will get hurt when they discover their partner fake their O. And it did not help when Gavin did not take it well. It is definitely typically to lash out when you discover the lie but you got to dial back and wonder why, which is why Gavin having so much trouble in doing so. But don't you worry, he has the help of his fellow Bromance Book Club buddies. And it is the cutest between them. And I freaking love it that they enjoy romance books so much. And they should not be a shame about reading romance books. They are the best! And everyone should read it. Makes life so much better while reading a romance book. 


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