Review: The Happy Ever After Playlist by Abby Jimenez



The Happy Ever After Playlist


Book Info

  • Released Date: April 14

  • Publication: Forever

  • Pages: 400

  • Format: Paperback

I finally decide to pick up a copy
— Abigail Books Addiction

I hear so many people rave about The Ever After Playlist so I finally decide to pick up a copy. And I have some mix feelings. Like I want to love it but there are some parts like I could not pass.

Sloan has been through a ringer. Like who wouldn’t when you lose someone. It takes time. And Sloan is progressing through it especially when she meets the handsome yet adventous dog. Like who wouldn’t fall in love with the dog. I know I would. And Sloan definitely does and she gets more when she meets the owner, Tucker. 

They have strong chemistry with each other. It makes totally sense for them to go forward full force. But I think they went too fast for my taste. It felt too rush. Like they truly need more time with each other. Things got way out of handle. They really needed time so they can develop trust between each other. I truly felt that if they slow down just a bit, then their romance would have been better. That’s the thing that got to me.


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