eARC Review: From Alaska with Love by
Military Romance
From Alaska with Love
Book Info
Released Date: March 3rd
Publication: Berkley
Pages: 304
Format: Ebook
“I am a sucker for any dog romance stories”
If you do not know already, I am a sucker for any dog romance stories. I will always read them no matter what. And I definitely read From Alaska with Love. And I can say that I absolutely love it!
From Alaska with Love is a slow romance story that it takes time to build. And I love it so much. It gives Sara character to develop more as the story progresses just as for Gabe too.
Sara has been struck lately in her life that she decides on a whim to pen pal with random soldier which will be Major Gabe. And it was instantly a match. But don't get all mush because there is a lot to work with especially in Sara case. Sara has a lot of to deal with because she mostly let her family dictate her life but she has opportunity to take and she takes it. And I love her for it. It takes ball and she has it.
It definitely surprise Major Gabe when she does show up but it is the shake-up he needs. He always have everything in order that makes everything so boring and neat but having Sara in his life makes things so much better. Everyday is something new that he looks forward in the day.
From Alaska with Love will bring two souls together in the most unexpected way but most possible way!