ARC: The Truth About Dukes by Grace Burrowes


Historical rom

The Truth About Dukes


Book Info

  • Released Date: Nov 10th

  • Publication: Forever

  • Pages: 371

  • Format: Paperback

Historical romance stories always know the way to my heart!
— Abigail Books Addiction

Okay, I know some of y’all are going to get me but I did not read the previous books before The Truth About Dukes. It may be bad for me but The Truth About Dukes was the one for me to read. The previous really did not interest me at all. I rather read what appeals to me. And let me tell y’all I do not regret it at all because I absolutely love The Truth About Dukes.

The Truth About Dukes will bring everything all together than the previously historical romance novels that I read before. Secrets will be exposed when Robert Rothmere decides to step into his role of the Duke. It does not discredit him at all but not all society will accept him. It’s completely a shame because he is truly a sweet man who is kind to others with a dry sense of humor especially with Lady Constance Wentworth.

Lady Constance Wentworth may be the quietest lady in the society circles but looks can be very deceiving. She is witty with her words yet passionate about her loved ones. And it doesn’t hurt that she is bonding and forging a true friendship and maybe a relationship with Robert Rothmere.

And I want it so bad for them to be together. But their romance is really a slow burner. It took a bit of time for them to build their romance in the novel. I wish they could have rushed it but hey, that’s historical romance for you.


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