ARC: Fatal Deception by April Hunt
Fatal Deception
Book Info
Released Date: Nov 10th
Publication: Forever
Pages: 352
Format: Paperback
“Yas, I love reading Special Ops Hero falling in love”
Special Ops heroes fall in love harder. They may be rough around the edges but when they know, they know.
And it definitely surprises Roman when he does. He has a tough time in trusting anyone but Isabel has a way in his heart than anyone else has. He may be feisty with her but she can take it and give it back 10 times more.
Isabel never knew she would find love again but life is always surprising you when you least expected. And it does not hurt that Roman is more than willing to be with her no matter what.
The stakes are very high for Roman and Isabel as they search for those who stole the virus and who recover it before anyone can get serious illness. It’s going to keep you on the edge because you are more than determined to find out who is behind this and more. I won’t go too far since I don’t want to spoil it but Fatal Deception will keep you on the edge.