Review: From Hope Lake, With Love by Nina Bocci



From Hope Lake, With Love


Book Info

  • Released Date: Nov 10th

  • Publication: Self

  • Pages: 150

  • Format: eBook

Ready for a cute-cute romance novella story?
— Abigail Books Addiction

Nina Bocci has brought us a short romance book in the Hopeless Romantics series. And Dr. Maxwell Reese is finally getting some love.

From Hope Lake, With Love is a short romance story that features Dr. Maxwell Reese and newcomer, Camille Douglas. Dr. Maxwell Reese has finally met his match when journalist Camille Douglas comes into town and writes a piece about Hope Lake, PA.

I won’t say so much since I do not want to give anything away. But I will say that Camille Douglas is such a brilliant writer that she will nail her upcoming novels no matter what. And it does not hurt that she will also forge a great relationship with Maxwell since they are well matched. They have such great chemistry that you want them to be together.

It definitely sucks that this was a short story. I wish we had more time with Maxwell and Camille because I wanted more of their romance.


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