ARC Review: Things We Hide from the Light by Lucy Score
Things We Hide From The Light
Book Info
Released Date: February 21st
Publication: Bloom Books
Pages: 589
Format: Paperback
“I had more expectations for this book”
I truly enjoyed reading the first book in the series, so I was a bit excited to read the second book in the series. And yet, I felt disappointed.
Things We Hide from the Light focuses on Nash, aka Knox's brother. We pick up where the first book left off, with Nash recovering from his injuries and returning to work. He may look like he is doing fine and well, but he truly is not. He is hiding his pain from everyone. He doesn’t want to talk about his issues or concerns with anyone, especially his new next-door neighbor, Lina. Lina can’t help herself when she catches Nash's eye. She knows there is something going on with him. And she is willing to help since she is only in town for a short amount of time. But she is hiding a big secret from everyone, especially from Nash.
Just from the premise above, you would think this book is a good rom-com. Sorry to disappoint you, but it wasn’t hitting the right notes for a rom-com. I had issues with Nash and Lina's relationship. They don’t fit with each other. I don’t believe in their relationship or chemistry. It just doesn’t fit. I couldn’t connect with them.