ARC Review: The Encanto’s Daughter by Melissa de la Cruz

YA Fantasy

The Encanto’s Daughter

Book Info:

  • Released Date: March 5th

  • Publication: Penguin Teen

  • Pages: 320

  • Format: Paperback

Typically, I devour anything Melissa Cruz writes. I adored all of her previous fantasy books in the past, so I had high expectations regarding her upcoming new release, The Encanto’s Daughter. And I have some mixed feelings about it.

Look, I am not saying that I hate it. I just have some mixed feelings regarding this. Let’s start with the pace of the book. I found it a bit confusing because it started off fast, then slow, then fast, then slow. The pacing didn’t make sense, especially for the first book in a series. It should have started off slowly so we could have more world-building. It would have made sense, so we could understand why people are after her. 

Did I enjoy the characters? Of course, I did. Every character was different from each other, either befriending the heir or hating her off the bat. It made the read so interesting because you knew something was up. And you can’t trust anyone because there is a high hit on the heir before she is crowned. 


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