ARC Review: Sunbringer by Hannah Kaner



Book Info

  • Released Date: March 12th

  • Publication: Harper Collins

  • Pages: 400

  • Format: Paperback

I have a lot of feelings regarding the book
— Abigail Books Addiction

I don't know what or how, but I was on the edge the entire time I read Sunbringer. I have been waiting for this book ever since the cliffhanger in the first book. So much has happened in the first book that I didn't know where this book was going to start. And I have to say that I have a lot of feelings regarding the book. 

I won't go into much detail because it will spoil the book. So I am going to keep it vague for a bit. Be warned that it might contain spoilers. 

Let's talk about my feelings about Sunbringer.

1. I am loving that we start right away from what happened in the first book. There wasn't much of a time jump, so there won't be any confusion regarding the book pace.

2. There were a bit too many individual character chapters. I know, I know. We all love different perspectives, especially in fantasy books. But there were so many in this book that it was a bit hard to keep track. 

3. Some of the characters didn't interest me as much. And I wish we didn't have their chapters or them at all.

4. I am loving that a certain character ain't taking no prisoners at all. I love the attitude. That's what we need in this book.

5. The last few chapters! What the hell was that?! Like someone explained to me, Someone?

6. I need book 3 in my hands, please and thank you. 


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