ARC Review: Never Saw You Coming by Erin Hahn


YA Contemp.

Never Saw You Coming


Book Info

  • Released Date: Sept. 7

  • Publication: Wednesday Books

  • Pages: 320

  • Format: Paperback

made me fall in love with YA books again
— Abigail Books Addiction

Never Saw You Coming made me fall in love with YA books again. It is a bit unconventional YA contemporary story. Yet it is so fitting to read and wonder about our own beliefs and values.

Meg and Micah are both dealing with the aftermath of discovering their families' betrayals. It is a complicated situation yet it is fitting. Nothing ever goes to plan. They will both question their beliefs together and individually.

I know it is going to raise some hair for most people but Never Saw You Coming handled this topic with sensitivity. There is no swear campaign about having a certain religion. It’s more about questioning a conservation church’s unique views on things.

Full warning, you may be triggered after reading this book. Contains depression, suicide, and panic attacks.


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