ARC Review: The Charm Offensive by Alison Cochrun



The Charm Offensive


Book Info

  • Released Date: Sept 7.

  • Publication: Atria

  • Pages: 368

  • Format: Paperback

fell in love with Charlie and Dev in The Charm Offensive
— Abigail Books Addiction

Oh My Goodness!!! I just fell in love with Charlie and Dev in The Charm Offensive. It was a surprise, but yet, a wonderful surprise as well.

The Charm Offensive will give amazing representation in the LGBTQ+ community as well as the mental health community. You will feel so much throughout the book. Believe me, I was a mess on several occasions while also swooning on other occasions.

I will say that I love the concept of a found family trope in this book. I always believe that the people you choose to stay with and who always have your back are the ones for you. It’s rare to find, but it’s possible, especially in Charlie and Dev case. They both each have their own small found family. And the both of them found families interacting with each other is too cute for words!

If you are wondering, you should definitely pick up a copy of The Charm Offensive. You are going to adore Charlie so much as I do. He may be a little awkward and anti-social, but he has so much heart and soul for those he cares for.

Full triggers warning: anxiety, panic attacks, depression


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