Review: Crazy Stupid Bromance by Lyssa Kay Adams
Crazy Stupid Bromance
Book Info
Released Date: Oct 27th
Publication: Berkley
Pages: 352
Format: Paperback
“OMG! This book cover is soooo cute!! Look at it. I can’t stop looking at it.”
We got another book in the Bromance Book Club series. And it’s getting better than before.
Crazy Stupid Bromance will bring Alexis out of her shell and bring her closer to her close best friend, Noah. Being best friends is always the best but it is sometimes too risky to pursue a relationship since it won’t always pan out. But taking risks in life is better than nothing. And it’s going to take a lot for them to pursue a relationship with each other especially when they are faced with some personal challenges in their lives.
There are some big shockers going on that leave you breathless but it’s life. Nothing is ever planned but a surprise. It’s always you to decide what you want in your life. And it’s going to take Alexis and Noah to a different level in their life.
Besides the personal growth between Alexis and Noah, we also get to read about the rest of the Bromance Book Club. And it doesn’t hurt that we are getting little hints about the Russian. I can’t wait to read about his story. It’s going to be epic from the book summary.