ARC: Paradise Cove by Jenny Holiday



Paradise Cove


Book Info

  • Released Date: Jul 28th

  • Publication: Forever

  • Pages: 368

  • Format: Paperback

Who else is ready to visit the beach as I am?
— Abigail Books Addiction

Looking at these beachy vibes book covers makes me want to go to the beach asap! And also bring a book too. That’s my kind of day.

Paradise Cove is bringing their A-game. Dr. Nora is such a character that I absolutely enjoy reading about her. She has some spunk after a horrible breakup and decides to move into a new town and take a new medical office. That’s something if I can say. And it does not help that she gets help with the grumpy loner Jake.

Jake may be grumpy after a broken heart but he does help when he notices someone is in need which would be the fabulous Dr. Nora. She is something else that Jake takes notice. But it will be awhile before anything happens between them. However, the widower matchmaking got something to say about it.


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