eARC Review: Nothing But The Truth by Holly James

Women Fic

Nothing But The Truth

Book Info

  • Released Date: July 12th

  • Publication: Dutton

  • Pages: 304

  • Format: eBook

kind of surprised how much I enjoyed reading this book
— Abigail Books Addiction

I was kind of surprised how much I enjoyed reading this book, even with its shocking twists.

I don’t know why I was surprised about its truth-telling element in the story. But I think it’s because I caught it unexpectedly. I just thought it was a normal women's fiction read. But it does add a flair to Lucy Green's day as she lets everyone know her truth.

I never hold anything back, so I am proud that Lucy is embracing it. It may lead her to some trouble. But it is always better to face it front on than simmer on it.

Just an FYI, there are heavy topics discussed in this book. Just look it up.


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