eARC Review: From the Jump by Lacie Waldon
From the Jump
Book Info
Released Date: July 19th
Publication: G.P. Putnam Sons
Pages: 351
Format: eBook
“she did not disappoint me at all”
I have to say, I was kind of hesitant to read this book. I still did not forgive Lacie Waldon after the emotional pain she made me go through from her first book. But I am willing to forgive her if she does not leave me in an emotional mess with this book.
After finishing this book, I will say that she did not disappoint me at all. Like I freaking love this book so much. It’s better than her first book. Let me tell you why I love this book, and why you will love this book as well.
First, I really enjoyed both of the main characters as individuals and as a couple. Liv is a type A control freak that she never takes any risks without calculating the pros and cons. This is the reason why she usually skips out on her annual friends trips every year. But she finally decides to make a change when she temporarily quits her job and joins her friend's group trip. And she ends up rooming with her emotionally unavailable buddy, Lucas. He is very casual about a lot of things, but he truly cares for Liv when she opens up to him. He knows how rare it is when Liv shares something with you. He cherishes it very much as much as he gets closer to her with time.
Second, this was a true friends-to-lovers trope. Liv and Lucas have been genuine friends for many years. And they are the total opposite of each other in that they never expected to be a couple. But they both realize how much they enjoy their company together as they spend more and more time with each other. They go from rooming with each other to being roommates for several months.
And last, I love the slow burn between Liv and Lucas. It was the right pace for them since they had always been friends for so many years. There is no need to rush it when they have the time of the world. Plus, they get to know each other better.