eARC Review: By The Book by Jasmine Gulliory


By The Book

Book Info

  • Released Date: May 3rd

  • Publication: Hyperion

  • Pages: 320

  • Format: eBook

I always love reading Beauty and the Beast retelling stories.
— Abigail Books Addiction

Whenever someone writes a Disney retelling romance story, I always get to read it, especially when it’s a Beauty and the Beast retelling. I absolutely love Beauty and the Beast (my favorite Disney movie).

By The Book is a bit of a Beauty and the Beast retelling romance story. It starts with a sunny character, Isabelle, working on the book's publication. She is very optimistic even though she is struggling with her workplace. There is no real movement for her as she's debating what to do next. And this is where she goes rogue and does something unexpected. She is going to help Beau write his book no matter what, even though he is a bit grumpy. Beau may be a grumpy man but he definitely falls for Isabella. He may hide his feelings but he can’t deny how much happier he gets when he sees her everyday. 


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