eARC Review: Every Summer After by Carly Fortune
Every Summer After
Book Info
Released Date: May 10th
Publication: Berkley
Pages: 320
Format: eBook
“this book made me feel all the feels”
I can’t believe how much this book has a hold on me. I don’t know why, but all I got to say is that this book made me feel all the feels - heartbreaking, swooning, betrayed, and emotionally a mess.
Let’s backtrack on how this book will make you feel all the feels in a second chance romance book. I usually don’t like to read second chance romance books because I find betrayal hard to forgive, but Every Summer After made me rethink my opinion.
Persephone is such a messy yet complex female character that I wanted to know more about her when I started reading her POV. And I got to say that I’m right about her being messy but that usually happens when you lose a part of yourself. We don’t know what she lost but we do know it has something to do with her former love, Sam. They were always meant to be with each other ever since they met during the summer. But something happens that hold them back until they reunite again.
It may shock you but they were always meant to be with each other. You can just tell when they get emotional when they see each other after so many years. It may be a shock to them, but their love is always there. It may not be the best since there are a lot of things they need to discuss with each other. Get ready for the tissues because their talk is going to be explosive. I will say that I wish they would have been clear in their communication because they could have avoided the betrayal.