Review: Wild Love by Lauren Accardo



Wild Love


Book Info

  • Released Date: May 25th

  • Publication: Berkley

  • Pages: 300

  • Format: Paperback

Now I want to own my own bookstore now
— Abigail Books Addiction

I was so excited to read this book. I kinda thought it was going to be kinda similar to K.A. Tucker books but it is not. I am going to warn you guys before you start reading Wild Love because you probably think it's going to be good as K.A. Tucker books. I want you to dial back your expectation for Wild Love and think of it as a different book, not familiar or similar to other books. Once you have dial back your expectations, then you will realize Wild Love is an okay romance read. It had it's problems but what doesn't. Life is never perfect, especially love. And life is going to be very complicated for Sydney when she gets involved with Sam. Sam's life is so complicated that I would never get in a relationship with him. I do not know why he did it. Life is too short. Stop being a pushover, Sam. You are not happy and it is unfair to involve Sydney into the mess of your life.


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