Review: Heart and Seoul by Jen Frederick



Heart & Seoul


Book Info

  • Released Date: May 25th

  • Publication: Berkley

  • Pages: 352

  • Format: Paperback

This book cover is just perfect for the heart of Korea
— Abigail Books Addiction

Ugh, I hate to do this because I really wanted to love Heart and Seoul but it left me disappointed. I don't why but I always have high expectations whenever there is a hype romance book coming out soon.

Heart and Seoul just took too long for me to read. I kept trying to finish the book but it did not grab my attention. I had to keep stopping midway, and then, I remember I would return back to it days later. It's just too much puff in the beginning that makes me not finish the book. I am not saying it's a terrible book but it's too long to read. You may enjoy the slow-paced story but it's just not for me.


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