Review: Wait for it by Jenn McFinlay


Wait for it

Book Info

  • Released Date: Aug 10th 2021

  • Publication: Berkley

  • Pages: 333

  • Format: Paperback

kinda curious about this book
— Abigail Books Addiction

I have not seen anyone that I follow talk about Wait for it by Jenn McFinlay so I was kinda curious about this book. It has the potential in being a good romance book to read.

Annabelle is a bit messy in her professional and personal life so it is kinda expected for her to drop everything and move into a new state. She is the type to run when situations are too hard or too messy for her liking. But she can't run anymore when she accepts a big job change, especially when she has an enemy at work and (maybe) at home as well.

I have to say that this book was a no for me. I was a bit disappointed because it had the potential in being a good read but I found it lacking. I don't like Annabelle personally at all. Her messiness is the main problem of her issues. She needs to take accountability before hashing out insults.


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