Review: Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston


Red, White & Royal Blue


Book Info

  • Released Date: May 14th

  • Publication: St. Martin Griffin

  • Pages: 421

  • Format: Paperback

Worth the hype?
— Abigail Books Addiction

I know, I know. I am late to the game but you cannot blame when I do not go heads over heels when a romance book is way super hyper up all around Instagram and Tik Tok. I get kind of hesitate in reading the book because I do not want to be disappointed when I do not like the book. But I got to say that Red, White & Royal Blue did live up the hype. And that said something.

I definitely recommend everyone to read Red, White & Royal Blue. It has:


-Cute Romance

-Rivals to Lovers Trope

-Political Twist

-and more

I won't go into too much detail since I do not want to spoil it. I have to say that Alex and Henry are the cutest! Like I want them to be real in real life. We need that kind of romance. And I know you will agree too if you have already read it. If you have not, I understand you are kind of hesitate too but don’t you worry, you will fall in love with them as I did.


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