Review: Bound by the Past by Cora Reilly


Mafia Rom

Bound by the Past


Book Info

  • Released Date: May 20th

  • Publication: Self

  • Pages: 335

  • Format: Ebook

Who else is freaking ready to read Dante side of the story?
— Abigail Books Addiction

I have been waiting forever to read about Dante's side of the story. He is always so cold throughout the books that I just want to read about his story so much.

And guess what? Dante has so many emotions inside of him that I’m kinda surprised how he won’t release. It takes a lot to be in control of everything. but he does it very much.

The past keeps on coming in every way but that’s life for you. Dante will face several betrayals throughout the years but he has Valentina in his corner. It may be dark for a while but Dante and Valentina have a plan together that they will make it out.

Things are changing for the mafia. Cannot wait for it in the future books.


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