Review: A Bullet Between Us by K. Dosal



A Bullet Between Us


Book Info

  • Released Date: May 26th

  • Publication: Self

  • Pages: 320

  • Format: eBook

Can we all have Ilias in our life?
— Abigail Books Addiction

A Bullet Between Us pulled me out of my reading slump recently. And I got to say that I am glad that it did. I truly enjoyed how much Ilias fell in love with Davina while he protects her.

I won't go too much into it because it will spoil the book. But I got to say that you will enjoy how many twists and turns there are in A Bullet Between Us. There are so many secrets surrounding this book that I was on the edge throughout the whole book. Let's just say expect the unexpected while reading this book. There is so much more going on in Ilias' world than I expected.


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