eARC: Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall



Boyfriend Material

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Book Info

  • Released Date: Jul 7th

  • Publication: SourceBooks

  • Pages: 432

  • Format: Ebook

Want to read about fake relationship romance?
— Abigail Books Addiction

I kinda did not expect to like Boyfriend Material. I thought it was the usual fake trope romance story. But Boyfriend Material caught me off guard because I was laughing at their antic throughout the read.

It may have the typical fake relationship trope idea. But there are some moments in Boyfriend Material that will catch you off guard especially in Luc case. Luc has a rough going for him because everyone will judge from his famous father's past. But what can you say, parents' actions, especially the famous will have a hold on you. But Luc is willing to fight on by faking a relationship. And this is where you know where something will go wrong. Nothing is ever perfect when you are faking a relationship. But it’s going to be a funny read between Luc and Oliver.


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