eARC: Delta Force Defender by Megan Crane


Military Rom

Delta Force Defender

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Book Info

  • Released Date: Jul 7th

  • Publication: Berkley

  • Pages: 352

  • Format: Ebook

Military Romance Story!
— Abigail Books Addiction

Lately, I have been in the mood in reading military/suspense romance genre. It’s such a thrill to read them. And Delta Force Defender gave me the feels. Delta Force Defender starts off with situation. But what books doesn’t start especially since it is a suspense romance book.

I have complicated feelings about heroine. Like I get you have an complicated situation so you don’t trust anyone but that does not let you off the hook on your cold behavior. He is just trying to help you out since he has high experience which you kinda don’t. Like take a breath and reassure your situation. Cold behavior does not help anyone especially in your case. Overall, I like reading Delta Force Defender. It’s a cute military romance read besides the heroine behavior.


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