eARC: The Jackal by J.R. Ward
Paranormal Romance
The Jackal
Book Info
Released Date: Aug 18th
Publication: Gallery
Pages: 416
Format: Ebook
“J.R. Ward has brought another book!”
OMG! We get to read about Rhage half-brother in The Jackal. It’s a total surprise that Rhage has a half-brother. It’s out of nowhere but it’s a wonderful surprise though. I won't go into too much detail because it will spoil the plot line but I will say some things. Expect a lot of cuteness whenever Rhage interacts with his half-brother. Because there is no lost love between them. Trust me. Plus, we get to read about adorable moments of Rhage's half-brother being an uncle to the cuteness girl. But pay attention to details though cause you might get confused of the plot line. Just pay attention, you will get it. It’s a good read.