ARC: I’ll Be Watching You by Leslie A. Kelly



I’ll Be Watching You

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Book Info

  • Released Date: Mar 31st

  • Publication: Forever

  • Pages: 400

  • Format: Paperback

Get ready to read about dark secrets coming into the light
— Abigail Books Addiction

Secrets can never be buried. That’s all I can say.

I’ll Be Watching You was a bit different for me. I usually into more action pack thriller stories or general romance stories. But this book was kinda okay. Like I wish there was more to it than it is because it would have been better. It’s bit like the show You in that kinda of way. Not really a fan of it though. There was a lot of warning in the books that you kinda expect shit to blow up. But if you want to know about dark secrets, then pick this up cause it’s a lot shit coming into light.


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