eARC Review: The Wedding Crasher by Mia Sosa
The Wedding Crasher
Book Info
Released Date: Apr 5th
Publication: Avon Books
Pages: 320
Format: eBook
“I was very surprise how much I love this book”
I can say that this book was better than the first book. And that says something because I enjoyed reading the first book in the series. But this book grabbed my attention more. And it has a fake dating romance trope which I love to read so much.
I don’t know how, but I love how independent and determined Solange is as a leading female character. She knows what she wants in life. She has high expectations to meet but no one should ever settle for less. She knows her worth, which we all should know as well. She will just get a doozy when she bonds with Dean.
Dean may be anal about his life but he has his reasons for it. You really can’t blame especially when he is honest about what he expects and wants. It may confuse Solange but she has high expectations as well. You can’t really judge, especially when they need each other.
Their fake dating may be inconvenient at first, but their attraction for each other is off the charts. And it makes total sense since they are the total opposite of each other. Opposites attract each other.