eARC Review: Sari, Not Sari by Sonya Singh


Sari, Not Sari

Book Info

  • Released Date: Apr 5th

  • Publication: Gallery

  • Pages: 304

  • Format: eBook

Usually, I love reading Sonya Singh books. But this book was not doing it for me. There were too many issues in this book that it made the main character very messy, especially in the romance department. 

I find myself not really liking Manny at times. She was too flakey about her situation that I could not give any sympathy to her. She made her life that way a long time ago. And she now realizes it’s a problem when her wedding comes sooner than later. 

I really didn’t like how rushed the romance was in the book. They should have waited. Not all romance should be rushed. It should take its time. 


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