eARC Review: The Shaadi Set-Up by Lillie Vale



The Shaadi Set-Up


Book Info

  • Released Date: sept. 7th

  • Publication: G.P. Putnam’s Sons

  • Pages: 316

  • Format: eBook

It’s hard to forgive someone when they betray you
— Abigail Books Addiction

It's hard to forgive someone when they betray you. I know Rita is taking it even harder because Milan was her first and true love. That's why she is determined not to fall for him again because he returns back into town. It does not help when her mother gets involved. Her mother means well. She just wants Rita to be happy in personal and professional life. It does not mean that Rita has to like it. She is in control of her life. She can make any decisions. She just needs to be sure what she wants. No one will be ashamed if she wants to take a second chance with Milan. It's just going to be work if she does. Second chances are rare.


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