eARC Review: The Make-Up Test by Jenny L Howe


The Make-Up Test

Book Info

  • Released Date: September 13th

  • Publication: St. Martin Griffin

  • Pages: 336

  • Format: eBook

I have to say, I always find second chance romance tropes hard to read through. There is always a reason why you broke it off. And I find it hard to believe that the couple can reunite again after having so many problems in the past. But I am always willing to give it a shot just in case it can change my mind.

I hate to say it, but this book was not for me. I really tried to give this book a try. But I found myself hating the characters as I kept on reading the book. They had way too many issues with each other that it made no sense for them to get together again. I really tried to figure out why they would give it a try again. They truly did not repair their problems; it was just a brush over. Never repaired.

And don’t get me started on the betrayal that happened toward the end. It was so maddening that she was willing to forgive him. I literally cannot read this book at all.


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