eARC Review: Lizzie Blake’s Best Mistake by Mazey Eddings
Lizzie Blake’s Best Mistake
Book Info
Released Date: Septmber 6th
Publication: St. Martin Griffin
Pages: 336
Format: eBook
“adjust their expectations when they pick up this book”
I want everyone to adjust their expectations when they pick up this book. It’s not like the first book in the series. If you keep this in mind, then you will enjoy reading this book more than I did. I have conflicted feelings regarding this book.
Let me explain. I expected this book to be like the first book. And it did not live up to its expectations. I found myself annoyed with the main female character, Lizzie. She is just too much of a mess for me. I really got annoyed with her behavior, especially toward the end.
It was both of them's faults, not just him. She just can’t expect him to quit his job when they have a baby along the way. Babies are expensive. It’s better to have a job in line before quitting. I can’t believe she expected that from him. Yes, I understand he needs to comfort his a-hole boss, but he needs to be smart about it. She was childish with her behavior.