eARC Review: My Roommate is a Vampire by Jenna Levine


My Roommate is a Vampire

Book Info

  • Released Date: August 29th

  • Publication: Berkley

  • Pages: 336

  • Format: eBook

It’s more of a light-hearted rom-com read with cutesy references
— Abigail Books Addiction

I heard a few mixed reviews regarding this book, so I kept that in mind when I read it again a few weeks later. And I am glad that I did because I actually enjoyed reading it rather than hating it. I am going to warn you, so keep it in mind. If you are expecting an in-depth or emotional romance story, this book isn’t it. It’s more of a light-hearted rom-com read with cutesy references. Keep that in mind, and you will enjoy this book more. And now, let’s get into My Roommate is a Vampire.

Since we are in the season of reading about vampires, it's a bit obvious that we read My Roommate is a Vampire. And I know what you are thinking; I am thinking it too. I want a vampire as a roommate too. It seems kind of fun. Cassie is having a fun time with her vampire roommate, but she kind of didn’t know it in the beginning. But she can move on from it, especially since her rent is love and she is falling in love with him.

Cassie may be down on her luck in the beginning, but she scores big time when she answers an ad for a roommate. It’s in a perfect location, and the rent is such a steal. She is obviously going to do it. You can’t blame her; we will all do it. It’s just that being roommates with a vampire is part of the deal, just silently. And it’s kind of funny how Cassie finds out and unravels with the news. She goes off the deep end for a bit. And it’s only because she started having feelings for him, Frederick.

Frederick is an old soul. And yes, I know the irony of it since he has been alive for many, many years as a vampire. But I love that he is still an old soul. He genuinely cares about Cassie's well-being as she starts living with him. It was a bit tricky at first because she didn’t know he was a vampire. But once the truth is revealed, things get better between them. They can actually form a relationship. You know they have feelings for each other. They are constantly writing notes, spending all of their free time together, encouraging each other about anything, and always looking out for each other.


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